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大物名师讲座(第94期) -特邀美国西伯瑞库伯公司技术总监李一博士作报告




报告题目:Application and Use of Low-cost Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring in Urban Areas

报告人:Li Yi (李一) 博士

报告时间:20210319(星期五) 上午09:30(北京时间)

报告地点:腾讯会议会议ID278 592 937

主持人:王红磊 博士


As an essential complement to traditional regulatory instruments, low-cost air quality sensors (LCAQS) can be deployed in dense monitoring networks to provide timely and comprehensive snapshots of pollutant concentrations and their spatial and temporal variability at various scales with relatively less cost and labor. However, a lack of practical guidance and a limited understanding of sensor data quality are concerns that hinder the wide application of this emerging technology. We leveraged air quality data collected from state and local monitoring agencies in metropolitan areas of the United States and found that ozone, as a secondary pollutant, is more homogeneous than other pollutants. PM2.5, CO, and NO2 displayed homogeneities that varied by city, making it challenging to design a uniform network that was suitable across geographies. Our sensor data in New York City indicate that PM2.5 sensor lean to have better performance with the reference method using light scattering principle than other methods, which is particularly noticeable at low concentrations. The same phenomenon was also found after digging the sensor evaluation reports from the Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center (AQ-SPEC). Furthermore, the LCAQS data during the wildfire episodes in Portland, OR showed the online machine learning is a promising approach to address the data quality challenge persisting in LCAQS applications. Our research highlighted the urgency and importance of a practical guidance for LCAQS application.


李一,2008年毕业于我校大气物理学院(师从朱彬教授)。2015年博士毕业于美国科罗拉多州州立大学大气科学系(Colorado State University 全美大气专业美国排名前三)。现任职于美国西伯瑞库伯公司(技术总监)。长期从事大气氨气(NH3气溶胶以及氮沉降的观测与模拟,以及空气质量传感器的研发。他首次揭示了美国近20年的氮沉降变化趋势,并发现其中氨气扮演的重要角色。以第一次作者在PNASACP等国际著名期刊发表多篇论文,并多次获得美国政府(国土部和环保局)以及大气环境保护行业协会(A&WMA)颁发的奖项。其领导的研发团队2020年获得了联合国环保署的(UNEP)的项目资助,将参与UNEP在发展中国家的空气污染观测项目。目前,他是期刊Remote Sensing (IF=4.1)"Air Quality Sensors and Their Application"专刊的客座编辑。




上一条:大物名师讲座(第95期) ——特邀西南交通大学地球科学与环境工程学院副研究员做报告

